When your organisation needs a large-scale or complex bulk handling operation, innovative machinery is a vital component to factor into your planning. RFS can provide, adapt and build the ideal equipment to ensure your material handling project is a complete success.
The most in-demand equipment is the rail car unloading machines. Perfect for high-speed unloading with convenient minimal depth grounding required for a faster intallation.
Our unloading machines can typically unload circa 75 tonnes in 2.5 minutes. These machines are also customisable to the scale of your operation, in that you can choose how many conveyors you need and we can build them to your size requirments.
We can also provide reclaim systens and rail car vibrators to aid the movement and transference of more complex materials.
Old Castle (CRH) Austin, Texas
At Oldcastle there was a RUMig3 installed there at the Texas Location.
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Kinder Morgan
Kinder Morgan Fairless Hills Terminal This terminal is located on the Delaware River in Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania.
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Aggregate Industries DP World
Carrying out large volumes of material handling within DP World Thames Gateway Port.
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